Carpet cleaning is one of the toughest jobs you’ll ever encounter as a homeowner. Those bright colors and plush fibers add beauty to a room, but they are also magnets for dust and dirt. Therefore, to keep your carpets looking new and fresh, periodic thorough cleaning is essential.
This article will take you through some general tips on caring for your home carpeting.
How Often Should I Vacuum?
Vacuuming on a regular basis is one way of keeping dirt buildup to a minimum. Make sure to vacuum at least two times per month, though once per week is best. Give your carpeting some extra vacuuming if the kids, pets, or you get extra busy.
The Limits of Vacuuming
However, vacuuming is no substitute for a thorough carpet cleaning. Before beginning, however, you should know that there are many different kinds of carpets and carpet fibers that the job cannot be approached haphazardly. For, to do so could result in damage to your carpet and that could translate into an expensive replacement job.
Residential Carpet Cleaning Frequency
Residential carpets should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a year, but delaying the job for longer than a year and a half is unforgivable. However, if you have brightly colored carpets, or if your carpets are subjected to heavy traffic by the kids or abused by the family pet, then a thorough residential carpet cleaning may have to be performed even more frequently, say 2-3 times a year.
Water Extraction Carpet Cleaning
There are several different carpet cleaning methods; the one you choose depends on your personal preference. However, for best results, the water-extraction method appears to be the preferred residential carpet cleaning method for most homeowners. This process involves using a machine to power out the dirt with water and cleaning solution mixture. The solution is then removed using the machine’s powerful vacuum, taking with it all the dirt that has accumulated in your carpet over time.
Stain Removal
In some cases, a small area of your carpet may have received more abuse than the carpet as a whole. When this occurs, alternative measures must be employed to eradicate the pesky stain from your carpet. One such technique that has proven very effective in stain removal is using a cleaning solution in concentrated form and applying it directly on the stain. However, before attempting this stain removal process, you should check to see if your carpet’s fibers can withstand the cleaning solution in concentrated form.
Partner with a Quality Carpet Cleaning Service to Keep Your Home Fresh
Fortunately, most carpet manufacturers include cleaning recommendations along with their product. Make sure to follow these instructions to prevent damage to your carpeting. Keep your carpets clean by partnering with Greener Method, a quality carpet and upholstery cleaning service. Give our team a call today to set up your appointment.